Welcome to PC-Phone USB Sync — cloud-free backup and sync.
This app makes content folders the same on your PCs, phones, and removable drives. It’s quicker than full copies, because it updates only for changes. It’s faster and more secure than clouds, because it uses your drives instead of networks and servers. And it’s a cross-device solution, because it runs the same on your phones, tablets, and PCs.
To use this app, get it’s Android versions at the Play store, and fetch its free versions for Windows, macOS, and Linux at quixotely.com. For most roles, you’ll also need a removable drive to store and transfer content. An SSD or thumb drive attached by USB is common, but microSD cards, cameras, and other devices work in the app too.
This app brings PC-level tools to your phone. The content it manages isn’t just contacts, calendars, and a few stray photos. It’s an entire folder of your choice, including its subfolders, and all the photos, documents, music, and other media that you value.
By using this app with a removable drive, you can both back up this content on your phone or PC to save it, and sync it between your devices to make it match: from PC to phone, from phone to PC, and any other way you find useful. Among its roles, this lets you:
– Use your phone as a backup device on which you can view and modify saved content
– Switch your content-creation tasks to a different PC or phone with a fast sync
– Sync your camera’s new photos to your PC or phone over a direct USB connection
– Or simply back up your phone or PC content to a removable drive for safekeeping
In tech terms, this app’s syncs are on-demand and one-way at a time; this keeps you in control, and avoids lossy conflicts. They can also be run in any direction and modify just the items you’ve changed; this makes them flexible, and faster and gentler on your drives than simple copies.
Perhaps best of all, this app uses your USB ports and removable drives for its backups and syncs, to avoid both slow networks and the privacy perils of clouds. With this app, your stuff remains your stuff, not someone else’s point of control!
– Fast backup & sync with USB drives
– No ads and no extra payments
– Runs on both phones and PCs
– Automatic rollback of sync changes
– Private and cloud-free by design
– Free PC versions at quixotely.com
– Free trial version at Google Play
– In-app and online help resources
– Configurable form and function
– Based on transparent open source
Requires Android
8.0 and up