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“Deep Learning For Dummies ($21.00 Value) FREE for a Limited Time”
Take a deep dive into deep learning
Deep learning provides the means for discerning patterns in the data that drive online business and social media outlets. Deep Learning for Dummies gives you the information you need to take the mystery out of the topic—and all of the underlying technologies associated with it.
In no time, you’ll make sense of those increasingly confusing algorithms, and find a simple and safe environment to experiment with deep learning. The book develops a sense of precisely what deep learning can do at a high level and then provides examples of the major deep learning application types.
Includes sample code
Provides real-world examples within the approachable text
Offers hands-on activities to make learning easier
Shows you how to use Deep Learning more effectively with the right tools
This book is perfect for those who want to better understand the basis of the underlying technologies that we use each and every day.
Offer Expires 1/21/2025
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