Usage – Device Monitor
Storage, network, battery
Usage is an app to track the device’s activity and performance.
It comes with cool customizations and advanced functionality.
It’s simple, intuitive, and data-packed!
– Disk
Track disk usage closely with a comprehensive and clear history graph.
– Processor
Keep track of how the CPU is utilized. View the insightful results on a simple and easy-to-understand historical graph.
– Processor Temperature
Monitor processor temperature in real time.
– Memory
Keep up with RAM’s status through relevant and informative tabs. Also, monitor Swap memory allocation and Pressure.
– Network
Monitor the network activity and data usage.
– Battery
Get insights on the battery’s charge level and health status.
– Bluetooth devices
Keep an eye on the battery level of connected Bluetooth devices.
– Graphic
Understand how the graphics card is being used.
– Fans
Observe the speed of fans now and over time.
– Processes
Insights into how apps consume processor and memory.
In-App Purchases
One Platform